serves the Overeaters Anonymous groups and their members along Florida’s Atlantic Coast from Titusville to Vero Beach. It is a not-for-profit service body duly registered with Overeaters Anonymous.
The Space Coast Intergroup consists of a Board of Officers, Committees and Representatives from each of our local meeting groups. Our Intergroup is in turn a part of the larger Region 8 Group of the Worldwide OA organization in the United States.
OA Space Coast Intergroup meetings are held on the second Sunday of each month at 7 pm via Zoom. All OA members are welcome to attend the meeting. All board, Committee and Meeting Representatives are volunteers.
The Current Board members are:
Chair. Lynn D +1 (216)-798-2520
Vice Chair. Open
Treasurer. Kathy M +1 (443)-413-7022
Secretary. Vickie S +1 (321)-536-3951
World Service Delegate. Open
Region 8 Rep. Open
To download a copy of the By Laws, click the button below.
OA Space Coast Intergroup By Laws as amended Feb 2021 (pdf)
DownloadOA Public Information Event
Friday, February 7 and Saturday, February 8
At the Indian River County Fairgrounds in Vero Beach
See Special Events Tab for details
The Space Coast Intergroup meeting on Sunday, March 16, 7-8 pm will take a group conscious on the proposal to merge with the Central Florida Intergroup. Everyone is encouraged to attend.