If you are a newcomer and would like to speak one-on-one with someone who can answer your questions, please call Linda M at (321) 794-6763 or Elizabeth M at (978) 760-2565. Not sure OA is for you? Take our quiz.
Please phone the contact person for the meeting you'd like to attend for any changes to meeting place or time. Changes may have occurred between meeting list updates.
Many of us have found it useful to answer these questions to help determine if we have a problem with compulsive eating.
If you answer "yes" to several of these questions, you may have a compulsive eating or overeating problem. Visit the Home Page for a list of meetings near you.
OA Public Information Event
Friday, February 7 and Saturday, February 8
At the Indian River County Fairgrounds in Vero Beach
See Special Events Tab for details
The Space Coast Intergroup meeting on Sunday, March 16, 7-8 pm will take a group conscious on the proposal to merge with the Central Florida Intergroup. Everyone is encouraged to attend.